Freaker Friday: Talky Coffins!

October is finally here. Dark humor enthusiasts everywhere are rejoicing for the entire month of spooky dooks. Schoolchildren are spattered in zombie paraphernalia, mellowed singer-songwriters are suddenly Wes Craven fanatics, and even the most pleasant of establishments somehow turn into gothy funhouses full of smoke and mirrors.

Calling all ghouls - come out and play.

WHAT YOU'RE WINNING: We're giving away 5 care packages featuring Talky Coffins! Talky Coffins are the newest creation from the not-so-evil mastermind of Jessie Williams - head lady honcho of the quirky boutique - Edge of Urge!

Perfect for storing your collectibles, your unmentionables, and the dried up tears of your enemies. Need a special coffin for a special somebody? Good news - she customizes! Each winner also gets a Mummy Issues Freaker!

HOW TO ENTER: Get on Facebook, find this graphic, and let us know one detail about how you would deal with a zombie apocalypse for your chance to win!

Winners announced in our Tuesday newsletter!