Freaker Friday: The Robots are coming!

Paul Revere road through the night with warning fires when he saw the British coming. Bravo, Paulyboy. Well they are back, and this time it's not only the British, but their robots too! These robots are friends, not foes, and we should celebrate their robotic culture in the universal language of SWEET DANCE MOVES!

What You're Winning: Each of our 12 winners will get a robotic neckless or set of earrings from the dearest of dears at Chandler the Robot! These guys are designed and made by an artist in Salt Lake City Utah! She is really talented and has an awesome story!

Winners will also get a Volitron and Lil' Ben Freaker so you can be prepared for the imminent dance party! Owww oww!

How to Enter: Show us your sweetest robotic dance move on Instagram (videos now included!) for your chance to win 1 of 12 care packages! Use #RowdyRobot to show us what you got! Also, everybody can win right now, because we are extending our sale on Volitron and Lil' Ben through Monday! Party on, world!