Holiday Sale Freaker Fun Facts For Stats Nerds

We want to start this blog by thanking EVERYONE that participated in our BLACK METAL FRIDAY sale through Mister Pete's Cyber Monday Spectacular sale recently. 

We were so thankful for the outpouring of love you all showed us and we wanted to share a couple REALLY cools facts that we found out after we dug into the data that weekend.

#1 - We got visits to our website from ALL 50 States and 56 Countries. The award for longest trip for a Freaker order goes to Singapore! Thank you all the way from Wilmington!

Holiday Sale Worldwide Map

#2 - We are blessed to be based in North Carolina! 21% of our website visits came from the Tar Heel State and more orders were placed from our home state than any other. Amen. Thank you.

Holiday Sale NC

#3 - Freakers are some of the truest Winos there are. We love ya! Screw It! in the green was in the top 5 best sellers for the weekend for both Freakers and Freaker Feet. Tip of the finest wine glass to you all. Check out our new styles, Screw It, It's Out, and Very Expensive Wine

 Wino Freakers

#4 - Over the weekend, message of our sale reached over 62,000 people. That is all thanks to our community who shared our posts and stories and videos. Thank you for helping get the word out!

 Da Bears

#5 - Ya'll love some cats. The most searched for term on our website over the weekend was "Cats". And TacoCat, Caticorn, and Take Me to Your Litter were all in the Top Ten non-holiday themed orders for Socks AND Freakers! -- Now come in close for a big ol' Holiday HUG right MEOW!

 Trippy Cat Gif - Source: