
NYIGF & Freaker Friday Weiners!

Are you in New York for the International Gift Fair?! Oh lawdy, we are too!!! Here's why you should absolutely come visit us at booth #2755: 1. We have a present for you! Hint: It starts with a Fre and ends with an Aker. And no, it is not a French breadmaker. 2. Yesterday was Champagne Monday (yes, this is a real thing, don't ask questions.) Maybe there are some leftovers for yours truly! 3. We will serenade you with your favorite hits from 1992. Don't believe me? Try us. 4. Endless high fives and a loving peer-pressure to come bowl with us tonight. And now for the winners of last week's Freaker Friday Giveaway contest!!!
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Freaker Friday Icy-Hawt Edition!

Half of the Freakerteam is currently stationed in NYC for a gift show. Hailing from a week of beach days and sun shines, we forgot that snow, ice and Sasquach are a very real part of winter. We are freezing in our little boots, and therefore we want to make sure that you stay chilly also. Because that's love. For this week's Freaker Friday, we're giving away three Freakers & a Corkcicle, a package that would normally be $50. (Pssht: if you don't know what a Corkcicle is, it's a fantastic creation that keeps your wine chilled and you awesome. Check it!) Keep reading to unlock the mysteries of how to enter...
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First Freaker Friday Giveaway!!

The time has come! The First Freaker Friday Giveaway has descended upon us. What does this mean for you?This: Every Friday you will now have the chance to win some Free Willy goodies that are completely unrelated to the movie except for the word "free." For our kickoff giveaway, we're going to play a guessing game with you. The above photo (an artistic interpretation of Global Harmony, for all of you that didn't "get it") has been posted to our Facebook page. We've chosen a particular place (THE SWEET SPOT!) in the photo that is the winning ticket. Go to Facebook, find this photo, and tag yourself in it! The person who tags themselves in the place closest to the sweet spot gets the prize! UPDATE: The Facebook robot is clammin' the jammin' and won't allow anymore tags. So SHARE THE PHOTO with where you think the sweetspot is for a chance to win! (Keep reading to see what that prize is!)
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Say, What?! Freaker Friday!

  From the dawn of time, one thing has excited human beings more than life itself. That, dear internet people, is free stuff! In order to celebrate this primitive tradition, we are starting our "FREAKER FRIDAY GIVEAWAY!". Every Friday we are going to come up with a creative way to get stuff from our office to your beautiful hands! Previous contests have used Twitter, Facebook, and other social media, these are all fair game, but not exclusive. You just need to be part of our newsletter to get the announcements. The first silly dilly starts tomorrow! Stay tuned, Little Lilos!  And now, for a complete history of free stuff:
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