Travelogue: Southern Playforts

The Freakerteam is putting on their cowboy hats and boot spurs and heading into the land of the desert dogs. Before we get our cheeks irreparably burned in the New Mexico, let's take a look back at the last time zone.


We tromped around Memphis City Clues for a while with rollerskates and party hats!


Sache hosted a Freaker grilled cheese party and we all bonded over homemade-baked-goods & massage trains.... only to later reflect how incredibly wholesome that actually is.


We dixie-landed ourselves in New Orleans where we magically (aka intentionally) found the Miss Annie Mellan, Oliver's sister! She proved to be the greatest tour guide for any kind of Freakerteam, taking us to family fun hot spots like dive bars, and the barges on the Mississippi ...... that absolutely no body trespassed into.  Uh.... onwards.

… And then we found a treehouse & played dress up and screamed RUFIO in nostalgia for Captain Hook, boundless imagination and most importantly, Robin Williams.

Obviously, Oliver was to be Rufio.

And in case anybody has forgotten who Rufio was, here's a friendly reminder!


We made it into Houston, where we collectively sweated enough to fill a kiddie pool, found some new friends, spread the Tattly love and subsequently ate it. Thanks to Hello-Lucky for letting us feed all your wonderful patrons!

This is an example of giant pieces of technology making us ECSTATIC and immediately afterwards making us quite sad. It's ok! We have regular sized technology to fill all of our needs! Size doesn't matter, remember?

Chatty passengers. Reoccurring travel theme!


Austin stole our hearts. We somehow ended up in an artist collective that is made 100% of pure organic lovin-on called Kauai House.  These fine folks are the creators of Jack Bags - a project focused on spreading accessible art through grassroots scavenger hunts nationwide. WHAAAAAT????? Check em! Jacking a city near you soon!

While at Kauai House, we threw a grilled cheese party to rival all other grilled cheese parties.  The magic-band Vana Mazi christened our FreakerBTruck party-deck with their gypsy perfection & we started feeling real guilty that not everybody everywhere was able to be there. Thus, video jamz will come soon!