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News Brief: Whoa, Nelly! Christmas is next week!
If your ducks are veering from the row or your eggs are falling out of the basket, don't worry! You still have time for a Christmas delivery! Some fun shipping facts:
-We ship care packages within 24 hours of your order! All packages are shipped from Wilmington, North Carolina.
-Officially, the post office says the last day for expected Christmas delivery is December 20th, but we're scooting it back a day to be on the safe side. Order by 12/19 for USPS First Class & Priority Mail!
-#NeverForget that Fedex is an option if you're cutting it close!
-Let us know in the "special instructions" box at checkout what kind of gift message you'd like to include in the care package! We are mere robots here to serve your wants and needs.
-We're not actually robots, but we are here to serve you! Happy Holidaze!
We love you,
-The Freakerteam!