Ship N' Slide!

Chicky chicky boom boom!

The awesome news: about 80% of the Kickstarter packages have flown out of our warehouse and freaking feet across across the world!

The so-so news: 80% is not 100%.

We had some popular styles, they went fast. The mill is rushing to make more! We had some licensing issues, but they’re now solved. It’s all coming in but it’s taking longer than planned.

By the first week of August, we’re expecting 95% of the orders to be out!

There were a couple of collegiate designs that have experienced additional set-backs. Included are Arizona State, Tennessee and Auburn. These can take up to 2 months to get in from production. If you ordered one of these college designs and are not in the mood to wait any longer, we’re offering a “Zach’s Choice” option for faster shipment of your package, and it should be delivered by the first week of August!

If you decide to let us pick a style for your missing collegiate one, you will be rewarded with an extra pair of Freaker Feet and a matching Freaker! If you’d like to go for this option, shoot us an email letting us know that you want your package to ship with Zach’s Choice instead of the “problem child” design that we’re waiting for!

If you have any questions - don’t be shy! We’re scattered about for trade shows right now (high-fives from Atlanta!!!!), so we may take a couple days longer to get back to you - but we are 100% listening to all of your hopes and dreams and are here to make sure that you’re smiling.

Bring it on, bumblebees.