HilariousHighlights of Mishap & Good Fortune

A few memorable moments from the past couple of days via Chicago! 

Threadless decided it would be a good idea to use some of us for t-shirt product shots. We can only hope that they were not expecting them to turn out even mildly sane. 

I know you can't read this, but this fine gentleman's nametag reads Alanis Moresette. And for that, we are eternally giggling.

Lauren has fallen into another irreparable Tom Waits phase and has been attempting to weave it into every faction of her (and subsequently everybody else's) life. Here is her not-so-subliminal and also not-so-relevant tribute to Nighthawks at the Diner

Chicago has been thoroughly freaked. Even the seediest bathrooms in the seediest corners of the seediest seeds have successfully gotten their freak on, and for this, we are ecstatic. 

This is, by far, the most American moment that Joel has ever starred in. Space Jamz? PBR? A Freaker? Chicago Bulls? All close to his ScreamMask pulsing heart.

We all simultaneously felt the urge to jump in a landmark body of water. Somehow we accidentally chose a dog-party-beach in which Oliver found Great Dane replacements for all of his current friends. Sad Freakerteam is sad