Freaker Friday: Shine Vessels!

Life is one big schooling, and like traditional schooling, people tend to excel in specific subjects. Some people are really good at trigonometry, while others shine bright in converting boxtrucks into traveling party houses. I mean, you know.

Shine on you crazy diamond.

WHAT YOU'RE WINNING: This week, we have five 32 oz. growlers from Shine Vessels!

Hailing from Richmond, Virginia and 100% made in America, Shine Vessels is the do-all-end-all of the growler game. Their process is completely transparent and fully mesmerizing. Read about it here!

I know that we've publicly swooned over Shine Vessels before, but the 32 oz. squealers are a brand new addition to their product line and we couldn't help ourselves. You'll agree that they're worth it.

Each winner will get also gets a Freaker of their choice!

HOW TO ENTER: Get on Instagram and show us one subject you shine in! Use the hashtag #FreakerShine for your chance to win!

Winners announced in our Tuesday newsletter!