Universal Resource Locators... In Real Life! 

The internet is a no-man's land? Hardly. There are kind kings & bourgeois bosses & the lovely ladies of the lan (Ahaha!)

Yesterday, we got the honor and the pleasure of meeting, greeting & freaking 3 of the internet's superstars! 

From left to right:
Lauren Freak!
Christiane Lemieux, founder of Dwell Studio
Maxwell Gillingham-Ryan, founder of Apartment Therapy
Heather Clawson, founder of Habitually Chic

I never knew that official style-stamps of approval existed. It has been confirmed: They exist.  Freakers have been Aproofed & Approved by the most stylin' of the stylists!

If anybody ever catches sight of these magic-makers, please give them an enthusiastic highfive and a bearhug. Day? Complete! 

