Further Dispatch from FancyLand; Red Carpet Jungle Gyms

In an alternative universe of shiny bling and silk tophats, the Freakerteam is tumbling around on a red carpet. Two weeks ago, we went to Cucalorus' Evening At The Oscars with the intent purpose of being civilized adults. We failed. 


When first entering the red carpet arena, we kept it together quite nicely. This lasted a total of 45 seconds.


But honestly, this wasn't our fault. Whoever created this carpet had wrestling on their minds. Texturally, this is what they would have wanted. And it was out of pure respect that we were honoring their wishes. 

Giving pointers! NICE PANTS, JMitchener! I'm sure Zooey Deschanel loves them more than she loves Zach's pants! 

Not a single member of the Freakerteam took note of the universally repeated phrase "you're doing it wrong." Instead, acrobatics commenced! 

What we did realize: Playgrounds! 

What we didn't realize: This fiasco was livestreaming on three movie screens indoors. We would apologize to the masses who had to witness anything that may be deemed inappropriate... but.. we're not very sorry. 

Love you! 

(Photos by Nick Matthews & Lahna Harper)