April Feulz

It took us a whole 24 hours to realize that not everybody somehow "became" pregnant yesterday. 

You sure did fool us! But meanwhile, we were fooling ourselves with a very special "fool the senses" dinner party! Don't understand completely? Here - maybe the official invitation will clear up the fuzzies (don't mind the part about smelling ourselves. That was... that is... somehow... irrelevant.)

By "Bill Clinton," Mr. Mellan actually meant "his mom," whose all time favorite holiday is April 1st! Festivities abound! 

For those of you readers who are particularly hunger, let's take care of that problem:


Some of the specialties included vegan vomit (avocado salad!), hotdogs (that were actually cooked carrots! ahaha! fooled!) and of course, poo (brownies!)

There were also some very peculiar character foolings,


Here we have "Slick Rick" who enjoys golfing under the influence & driving cars even though he has been legally blind for 45 years. 

And this here is Wily Willy, who spends his free time hunting invisible squirrels & fly fishing in the nude. 

And what do we have here?! All aboard doppleganger express (that was awful... please forgive us.)

This is Oliver Mellan who enjoys everything. Especially that hat. 

FOOLS! The whole (pregnant) lot of ya!