Freak of the Week Giveaways Return!

Last year, we had weekly giveaway contests for whoever could make the greatest pun for the Freaker of the Week! We laughed at the good ones, cried for the bads ones, and all around had a grand ol' time making it rain freak-madness! 

Well, young grasshoppers. The time has come to reinstate a-bunch-o-freebies. 

This time around though, we won't necessarily be doing PUN contests, but rather general questions (but please, never ever be dissuaded from punning.)

There will be two winners each week!

one for the comment that made us giggle the most furiously and one chosen at random!

Both winners will get said-Freaker mailed right to their doorstep and a lifetime of tender love & care will commence! 

For this week, in celebration of Easter Egg Scavengers, we're asking you to tell us where you will be hiding your Clara Bow eggs this weekend!

Leave your answers on the product page
and winners will be announced next week!