Monday Remedies

Cats on the beach

Taking vacations is an incredibly efficient way to rejuvenate the human mind.

Some people relax by floating around the Bahamas with drink-umbrellas. Some enjoy hiking inhospitable terrains and buying kayaks that they will totally use. We get it. We just got back from a small vacation from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 

We took a journey into the depths of the internet.

We brought you back some souvenirs.

Family fun

We found this one in a beach resort inside of the internet and thought of your kids. I hope they enjoy their new family-fun game!

Mike Johnson

We saw this in the gift shop after a guided tour of "sports" and just had had had to get it for your brother. Splurrrrge!!!! 

Downtown Abbeycat

There was a Downtown Abby themed zoo on the internet that we just could NOT pass up. We found this for your mom. Tell her that we love her. 

Drake Valentine

And this one is for you, little bird.

I know it's Monday, so take our gifts and make your face smile. If that doesn't work, maybe you should consider taking a vacation. I highly recommend "the internet" if you're feeling adventurous, but beware and stay alert. There are some unexpectedly dangerous corners in internetworld, so please, bring a chaperone.