iFreak Wallpaper Galore!

Do you love your phone? Does it stand by your side at all hours of the day and night? Do you tenderly whisper sweet nothings into it's robotic directional services? You live in 2013, so these are rhetorical questions. Of course you do.

We love your phone too! That's why we've designed these special Freaker wallpapers for you and your beloved robots! CLICK HERE for the best free download of your entire day. SAUCY!

And now for the winners of last week's Freaker Friday!!

We asked you how you unlock your inner hustler for a chance to win 2 Freakers and a special customizable key from Good Worth & Co.! The lucky ducks are as follows:

@mookazoo - I don't like that you guys are implying that my hustle was ever locked up in the first place. Hustlin' free since my baby kicks

@erinsaurusrex - Simple. I unleash my inner hustler by downing one of these halo-wearing nectar of the gods.

@ItsMeChantilly (She sent us a prettttttty terrifying music video with the sole caption of "if you feelin gangsta." Well played, dear chickie. Well played.)

@halfhomoheroine - Getting #FreaKey in three simple steps: Remove clothes. Become bashful and confused. Put clothes back on again. Forget about it. We're done.

@saraanitra - I put the wrong key in, take wrong key out, put the right key in and jiggle it all about. That's what #FreaKey is all about! #hokiepokied

@wcoppage -I have to mix 1part Steven Seagal, 1 part 4Loko, 2 parts Penguin, and 7 part Hemingway to unlock the Freak.

Winners! Send us your shipping address! First come, first serve as to the key designs! OKAY LOVE YOU BYE