Freaker Friday: Julie Ann Art!

Christmas is next week. Have you collected the shiniest lumps of coal for your dearest loved ones? Forgetting a certain last step? WRAP IT, BOO.

Bah-humbugs and bearhugs - we're here to help.

WHAT YOU'RE WINNING: We have 5 care packages this week featuring the holiday cheer of poop-paper from Julie Ann Art! A champion of the small-artisan hand-made movement, Julie Ann is pumping dry humor into the holiday season.

What started as a hobby in her mom's living room has turned into an internationally distributed declaration of good-vibes and homemade snarkdom. We're big fans of waking up one day and realizing you're an entrepreneur, so Julie Ann's line of giggles is right up our alley!

Each winner gets a sheet of poop wrapping paper via Julie Ann Art and two holiday Freakers!

HOW TO ENTER: Get on Instagram and show us your most unconventional holiday tradition with the hashtag #FreakerChristmas for your chance to win!

Winners announced in our Tuesday newsletter!