Freaker Friday: Vena's Fizz House

We're officially in the war trenches of holiday season. Long travels + extended family + icy weather + shorter days + christmas lists + expected & unconditional holiday cheer = you deserve a drink. Make sure it's a good one.

We're here to help.

WHAT YOU'RE WINNING: We have 5 care packages this week featuring boozy infusion kits from Vena's Fizz House! Nestled in the romanticism of Portland's small business community, Vena's Fizz House offers a sip of nostalgia with their craft soda bar & cocktail shop.

Lucky for the rest of us non-Portlanders, Vena's Fizz also offers booze infusion kits with zero chemicals, preservatives, or high fructose corn syrups. The kits use freeze dried fruits, herbs, and bitter infused sugar cubes to flavor your booze. 

Each winner gets a Infusion Kit from Vena's Fizz House, and two holiday Freakers!

HOW TO ENTER: Get on Instagram and show us what keeps you sane during the holiday season. Use the hashtag #FreakerFizz for your chance to win! Winners announced in our Tuesday newsletter!