The guilty pleasures of summer. They get weird, but by definition they are amazing. Some people's summer reading list starts and stops with Craigslist's Casual Encounters. Mexican soap operas are incredible, especially when you don't speak Spanish. We once lived with a girl who would buy fast food french fries, fast food ice cream, stir them together in a bowl, stick it in the freezer, and have a feast 3 days later. Whatever your guilty pleasure may be, we're here to cheer you on. (Except for the McFlurry frozen fries pie. Don't do that.) WHAT YOU'RE WINNING: We have 5 care packages this week featuring the sweet treat named Hartland Brooklyn. Nestled away in the Catskills of New York, Hartland Brooklyn makes paper products and temporary tattoos with an aesthetic of child-like nostalgia for long summer days and junk food adventurism! Much like our own story, Emily Johnson started making tiny treasures for friends in her spare time. It wasn't long before the demand for her charming designs exceeded her handmade supply. Fast forward a couple of years and BAM - it's blossomed into a lovely, homegrown, small business spreading happiness to all! Each winner gets a choice of Hartland Brooklyn product (tattoos, nail tattoos, or greeting cards!), a pair of You Got Soft Served Freaker Feet, and a matching Freaker! HOW TO ENTER: Get on Facebook, find this graphic, and show us your favorite guilty pleasure in the comments for your chance to win! Winners announced in our Tuesday newsletter!
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