
Dude, Where's My Par?

On Monday we teamed up with Planet Logo and Cucalorus film festival to play golf. Like adults.  But it doesn't count as "growing up" if it's for charity. Here's why: 
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Skrillex Got Freaked Again

And then we all did the womp womp womp womp dance. 
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Suds & Buds: Remembering The Soapbox

If there is an establishment in your community that has inspired you, let them know. Support them, love them, appreciate them. Today our community mourns the loss of The Soapbox Laundro Lounge, which will be closing their doors on July 28th. This establishment transcended what it meant to be a business. Heartfelt and filled with love, we want to thank you for everything you've done for not only our project, but for the community at large. You made an impact. Godspeed, good hearts. You are loved. And now for the obligatory memory lane....
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Capital C - Trailer (Park) Kids

There comes a time in every man's (or woman's! We are aware of sexual harassment equality, yes we are!) life when you have to plagiarize yourself. This is one of those times.   Prepare the Delorean, Alfred:
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Get snapped! Oh snap!

Once upon a time, Freakerteam-member Lauren drank too much wine and got all monster-face-y with the Mayor of Wilmington. Photographer Saben Kane Matthews was there to capture her inglorious (??) moment. TONIGHT, you will all have ample opportunities for your very own inglorious moments and Saben Kane will be there to capture them too!!!! Get fancy, get snapped. (OH SNAP!) Saben Kane coming in for the win! Soapbox. 8pm. Grilled cheese and glory bands!
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National Hug-A-Hero-Day!!!

There is no shortage of celebratory holidays, some nationally recognized, most not. Social media keeps us forever reminded of the important memorials like International Talk-Like-A-Pirate-Day (Sept 19th) and Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day (Jan 26th). The sheer number of bizarre holidays is intimidating ... and that is exactly our excuse for making up a new holiday rather than fact-checking to see if it already exists! Hooray!  On that note, we are pleased to announce the commencement of a new day for celebration: National Hug-A-Hero Day!
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Misfortune Villains & Community SuperHeros!

People are funny creatures. Sometimes they make cartoons, fly kites, and try their best to spread happiness. Sometimes they break into your warehouse on a Sunday morning and steal your expensive cameras and 5 computers that are your tools for creating and propelling your business forward. Freakerville was robbed this weekend. Thank you thank you thank you to all who have been sending warm thoughts & support! Whoever did this did not break our legs (and for that, we're extremely grateful!), but they did manage to push us a couple steps back. If you're running low on your Freaker supply, now would be a really really awesome time to restock & help us regain our balance! If you're in the greater Wilmington area, the fine folks at Gravity Records & The Soapbox Laundro Lounge are hosting a fundraiser show! Seven (yes! 7!) amazing bands will be playing and the new revolutionized Freaker Boxtruck will be unveiled! We'll be slingin' grilled cheese sandwiches to anybody and everybody who is lucky enough to have a mouth and wonky smiles will be flowing in full force!!! br> Now for the magnificent band line-up! If you happen to be in water right now, this list will blow you right out of it. You have been warned:
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Spy vs. Spy

There is a man that exists in America. His name is Jonathan Guggenheim. Mister Goog just unveiled his sneaky "I'M IN YO OFFICE, SNAPPIN' SPY SHOTS OF YO COWORKERS" series. We have no choice but to take a look. We're a little nervous, so please, join us in this journey.
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Sandy Boulevard Cohen Beer

We love Boulvard Beer. When I say the word "love," I mean it in the same way that a middle schooler might "love" the main character in a made-for-tv family drama (I'm looking at you, OC.) There is a strange mixture of admiration and enthusiasm, with tinges of justified jealousy because let's be real: these things are fake. Disclaimer: Boulevard Brewery, however, is not fake. It's a real brewery in real Missouri that produces real beer that makes us real happy. And for that, we love them. They are the Sandy Cohens of beer. You "love" Sandy Cohen because of his integrity and charm, but you are also constantly reminded of all the things he has that you do not. On that note, here is a treasury list of things that Boulevard Beer has that Freaker USA does not have:
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Weirdy Beardys

Freakerville recently had the pleasure and the honor of getting a drop-in from the Chop himself. If you are not in the Wilmington area, then you may have never heard of Chop's Deli. I'd go so far as to say that if you are not in the Wilmington area, then chances are that you have never eaten a real sandwich.
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ArtSlab FreakFab

Our office-hive is swarming with busy busy beard-bees named Zach. Dear world, I'd like to formally introduce you to Zach Weaver. He constitutes half of the creative project known as ArtSlab. You may have seen this bizarrely bearded boy at some Freaker events, painting pretty ladies and hanging around in a mobile art-van-house (not to be confused with our boxtruck-house.)
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New Hobbies: Blackmail

We've picked up a new hobby to spend the time productively. You guys should really try it out sometime, it's a cool new fad. It's called "BLACKMAIL" Backstory: A couple days ago we came home to our boxtruck house and My Morning Jacket was playing a show in our front yard. So we had a (boxtruck) house party.... 
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